Sitemap - 2023 - Dark Skies on the Horizon

Trump will implement Martial Law, Shoot Protestors and Prosecute his enemies

Project2025: Right-wing Thinktank Master plan of Fascism, Censorship and Criminalizing LGBTQ people

Why Nikki can't say the word "Slavery" and why what she did say was actually worse

The Maga Cult thinks they are the Smart and Informed Ones

Right-Wing explodes over Floyd Protestors given probation for Arson

Biden has been the most effective President in decades, but no one knows it

Debating MAGAs a frustrating and potentially counter-productive process

The 2nd American Civil War already started years ago

Magas claim the FBI is "corrupted" and "controlled by Democrats."

Trump has a "plan" for America called Agenda 47, and it's a helluva thing.

Something is seriously *wrong* with these people

The GOP, Bush and Trump tax cuts have added $10 Trillion (57%) to the debt

And yet again Democrats get called "Marxist, Communist and Anti-American"

The unbearable enormous gift of Whiteness

MAGAs claim the January 6 Insurrection was just a "Protest" that went wrong

Megyn Kelly admits Trump is in Cognitive Decline because he and all MAGAs are.

Trump made $160 Million from Foreign Sources and Influence Peddling while in the White House

The limit of Free Speech Triggered by Holocausts and Genocides

Could the October 7 Hamas attack have been "Provoked?"

MAGAs like to claim that Joe Biden is a doddering old fool in deep cognitive decline.

MAGAs complain that the border is open and "People who hate us" are coming to Destroy America

MAGAs claim that the January 6 Insurrection was a "protest that went wrong"

Yes, Russia likely stole the 2016 Election for Trump - pt2

Yes, Russia likely stole the 2016 Election for Trump - pt1

Trump will implement Martial Law, Shoot Protestors and Prosecute his enemies

How Political Propaganda Operates

America has a "Fact", "Reality" and "Media" problem

The Sad Story of Eventually Converted Anti-Trump Republicans

MAGAs claim that the "Country is being Destroyed!" but is it really?

Newsbusters "Debunks" Media and WH claim there is "no evidence" against Biden

Yes, actually, the Capital Insurrection was more damaging than the Floyd Protests

The main complaint about "Cancel Culture"

Coming soon