Dark Skies on the Horizon
Music and Songs
Original Song - Wake Up

Original Song - Wake Up

Original song from my first solo CD "Re-Evolutionize"

You can only have the “American Dream” if you’re asleep.

This song is pretty much a cry for America to stop sleeping and come to it’s senses. The reality of America is nothing like the “Rah rah” images we’ve all been presented with Apple Pie and Baseball. This country has committed many atrocities, against the Native inhabitants, against Immigrants and against those who were dragged to these shoes in chains.

Things are in many ways better than the worst days of the Trail of Tears, Native American Boarding schools, Japanese-American Internment, Slavery and Convict Leasing — but it’s not nearly as good as it truly needs to be in order to honor the “Land of the Free” moniker.

Different political factions all recognize this, but they tend to blame each other as the source of the problems. Some say there is a drive to be “too woke”, to change the nature of the family, to push a “pro-female, pro-gay, pro-immigrant anti-White” agenda.

Others argue that the opposite is true, that the agenda is to maintain and strengthen the influence of the ruling hierarchy of powerful men, to take away women’s freedom, choices and autonomy, to enforce gender stereotypes, and racial oppression.

This song doesn’t try to solve all those issues, but it does ask the question — are we truly on the “right” side of the fight?

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Dark Skies on the Horizon
Music and Songs
Audio Tracks from My Various Original and Cover Songs