Dark Skies on the Horizon
Music and Songs
Cover Song - Inner City Blues (Marvin Gaye Cover)

Cover Song - Inner City Blues (Marvin Gaye Cover)

Cover Song from my Unreleased CD Undercover Obsidian

I was always a fan of Marvin Gaye, particularly with his seminal album “What’s Going On” which addressed social and political issues with a clarity that literally no one was attempting at the time.

The album was delayed for a year as Motown head Barry Gordy didn’t want to release such a potentially controversial record. His assembly line approach to Motown - which was fitting for Detroit - was intended to produce safe music that was comfortable and palatable, made for mass consumption.

Eventually, he did finally agree to release the album figuring that it would teach Gaye a lesson - but it was Gordy who learned the lesson as the records shot up the charts.

The debate of whether and when Musicians should take a stand on public issues has raged ever since. Should Musicians speak up and speak out? What do they know about anything? Who put them in charge?

I think that if you have a deep passion about a subject, even if you aren’t perfectly informed about it. Speaking up is the first step in creating dialogue and you just might soon discover just how much you don’t know.

You also might inspire someone else to go do their own research and educate themselves.

Is it possible that you could be telling someone exactly what they already believe? Could you be leading them into into a bottom-less rabbit hole of fake news and self-delusion?

Of course.

Is saying nothing at all, or simply keeping people distracted from the issues in their own lives, a better strategy?

I think not.

If I get a chance, I’d like to re-record the chorus on this version but it’s fine for now.


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Dark Skies on the Horizon
Music and Songs
Audio Tracks from My Various Original and Cover Songs