Dark Skies on the Horizon
Music and Songs
Original Song - All I Feel

Original Song - All I Feel

First song from my 2008 Solo CD "Re-Evolutionize"

This was the first original song that I wrote and recorded for my 2008 solo album. This was the song I started with and was where I first openly expressed the depression I felt after having had my budding Consulting Career crash and burn disastrously in 2000, then my fall-back Dot Com career also self-destructed after Tower 2 of the World Trade Center landed on one of our major customers and clients - The World Trade Center Marriot.

It was a really dark time when we struggled for years to get back on our feet while we slowly sold off everything of value we had. We sold our instruments, I had a fairly robust Comics collection which I slowly cannibalized bit by bit.

Worse of all, I had toward the end joined a really good band that had excellent players, good songs and nearly all the gear - and even our own van and trailer - that we could use to tour on our own.

But I had to leave, I had to move back home to LA. The process broke my heart and I really wasn’t right again for several years.

That’s what this song is about.

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Dark Skies on the Horizon
Music and Songs
Audio Tracks from My Various Original and Cover Songs