Sitemap - 2024 - Dark Skies on the Horizon

JD Vance demands an apology for the Bomb Threats that he and Trump caused in Springfield OH

CNN's Dana & Josh Shapiro bashes the freaking heck out of JD Vance on Haitians in Springfield

Where exactly is the end of tolerance and unity?

More White Supremacists are again arrested for threatening Assassination and Terrorsim

VP Harris needs to call out Trump's lies and paranoid derangement

Let's be clear, JD Vance is a sexist creepy weird little bully

Trump and the MAGAs don't live in our Reality

Joy is not the enemy of good Policy

Heritage continues pushing and grifting the Critical Race Panic Hoax

Palestinian prisoners are tortured and sexually abused by IDF

FoxNews: Forget Ukraine, the real battle is the War on Wokeness

Original Song - Say You Will

Marsha Blackburn asks if Ketanji Brown-Jackson plans to bring Critical Race Theory to "the law"

How deeply the "Border Czar" attacks on Harris fail miserably.

How Sinclair Broadcasting Sabotaged Joe Biden

The amazing parallels between the Maga Cult of Trump and the Crazed Cult of Putin

Trump's has had these dumb racist "Becoming Black" ideas for decades

Trump doesn't need to win votes, he plans to contest the results

Elon Musk and the GOP: the party of LGBTQ Child Abuse

Charlottesville: prelude to Chaos, Murder and the Trump GOP

Exactly what we need right now is Social Justice Warriors like State Senator McMorrow

Cover song - Wasted Time (Originally by Skid Row)

Turning the corner to a brand new day - Thanks Joe

Things were "Better" under Trump you say?

The New Homophobia: Groomer Panic and Pedophile paranoia within the Libs of TikTok

The RNC messages are entirely Hate and Lies

My view on Bidengate has changed

Trump has fostered a "staggering uptick" in hate crimes

Maddow drops a bombshell tape on McCarthy who considered asking Trump to resign

Trump tries to distance himself from his own Platform (Project 2025)

I think it's time to put these Biden fears to rest

Original Song - Justified

Secret Service warned the White House that the Jan 6 demonstration could turn violent

We have two possibilities with Debate-gate - both of them are bad

Testimony shows that the MAGA team specifically sent the crowd to the Capitol

If Trump Wins... this nation is functionally over

Handmaid's Tale author Margaret Atwood says SCOTUS is bringing her nightmare to life

"Biden stepping down" is a GOP Talking Point, don't fall for it

GOP Racism and Stochastic Terrorism: They just don't wear hoods anymore

What truly matters from the Debate - are The Endless Lies

Cover Song - Head Like a Hole (Originally by Nine Inch Nails)

Abortion Bans have resulted in Increased Infant Mortality in Red States

How do you properly react to murder when the killer has a badge?

What I would hope happens during the CNN Debate

Buffalo, Uvalde and the Great Extermination Theory

Just whose Life are these people "Pro?"

Louisiana codifies the next step in Christian Supremacy with the 10 Commandments in School

FoxNews tries to implement Propaganda Pageant to cover up the January 6 Hearings

Rage Against the Machine warned us about everything, but they weren't alone

Original Song - Not Like U

Far-Right calls story of Raped 10-Year-Old a "Lie" - Then the Rapist gets arrested

Toppling the Jenga-Mountain of GOP Lies and Delusions

Video shows how the Proud Boys deliberately incited the "Normies" to riot on J6

Trump declares "I'm not a racist, I have black friends"

House GOP pledges to Investigate FBI and the baseball field shooting from (7) years ago

Cover Song - "Peacekeeper" (Originally by Tom Morello and Lock Up)

MAGAs claim Hunter's Conviction is more proof of bias against Trump

Trump and Junior both Lie and Smear Brittney Griner

The sad truth about Beautiful Things: Hunter Biden Convicted

Trump stands up for the "victim/warriors" of the January 6 Assault on Congress

What exactly is truly the difference between the modern GOP and the KKK?

Lindsay Graham and the inability to determine truth and fact

Racist Right-wing troll Byron Donalds claims it was better for Blacks during Jim Crow

Trumpers want "No Decency or Restraint" going after their Enemies

MTG let's all her MAGA crazy out for a stroll all at once

Original Song - Wake Up

MAGAs have lost their minds over Trump's conviction

Fox News panel explodes as a live Fact Check on Red State crime slips out

Bartiromo loses her mind as Dershowitz gives Biden credit for doing "A great job"

And lo, the aftermath of the conviction has begun

Fox News explodes into whining grievance and whataboutism after FBI search of Mar A Lago

Cover Song - Love Song (Originally by Nicklebag)

Fox News, Newsmax and the GOP are now Terrorist Organizations

Tim Scott: Driving the narrative even if it takes him into a ditch

The truth is that Trump's discarding and hoarding of documents just might be pathological

Megyn Kelly plays "Gotcha" with Bill Maher

Your life was not "better" under Donald Trump

Despite fevered GOP whining, from the start the FBI has always helped and protected Trump

The GOP is now falsely claiming "Biden tried to Assassinate Trump"

Republicans can sometimes discover the Truth on their own

Right-Wing press attacks Bette Midler for saying "Imagine if Hillary said 2016 was stolen?"

Original Song - Tumbling Down

Trump claims he's done more for Black people than Lincoln

And if they truly cared about law enforcement crimes and search warrants...

We all know who are the true "Haters"

On the little matter of "Hating" Trump

Cover Song - Black (Originally by Sevendust)

Trump is going to be convicted and MAGA will go Ballistic

Trump and his attorneys were Sanctioned $1 Million for pushing their "Russia was a hoax" claims

The Lies, Delusions and Gaslighting of Fox and the GOP

Busting MAGA Myths: Trump was the greatest President ever

Trump files $475 Million "Fake News" defamation suit against CNN

Rep. Scott Perry claims the KKK is the "Military Wing" of the Democratic party

Mike Johnson demands all Trump prosecutions cease

Original Song - All I Feel

Busting MAGA Myths: Democrats are weak on crime, law and order

Tom Cotton coddles the Capitol Terrorists yet again

In the wake of rabid Transphobia and the Club Q shooting, we need a Reckoning.

De Niro unloads on Trump, so Elon Musk whines about it

Busting Maga Myths: The border is now "wide open" due to Biden

Cover Song - Inner City Blues (Marvin Gaye Cover)

I sense a plot to destroy the Jedi... (uh, the Gaza Protest movement)

Trump tried to use stolen classified docs to bribe NARA for FBI smoking gun Russia docs

Trump's plan to turn America into a Theocratic Dictatorial Hellscape

Busting MAGA Myths: Biden caused inflation and high gas prices

How the Gaza Protests are being used to threaten Jews and Joe Biden

Busting MAGA Myths: Joe Biden didn't win the 2020 Election

Original Song - Wannabe?

The Dailywire's obsession with violence and execution

This Woke Social Justice War will be our last battlefield

MAGA's "Gotcha" in Classified Docs case is a Phantasm

Busting MAGA Myths: Trump had "Nothing to do" with the Capitol Attack

The sad truth is that MAGAs are addicted to lies and only they can choose to change

Every claim the GOP makes is a distortion, a lie or a delusion

Hillary Clinton says another true thing and the GOP freaks out

Republican policies are literally killing Americans

Stephen Miller Sues CBS for Discrimination against White People

A wake-up message all MAGA needs to see, hear and learn - but won't.

Dunking on MAGAs like the Harlem Globetrotters

Tom Cotton calls for protestors to be tortured and murdered

When exactly did America pay Black people back?

"Civil War" the new film project by Kirsten Dunst and Alex Garland

The true "Inside Job" of the Insurrection has largely escaped notice

That time when Hunter Biden's Dad said that we need to Terminate the Constitution

Trump's 2025 retribution plan to prosecute the Bidens in retaliation

Civilian Border "Patriots" are murdering migrants in the desert

The January 6 Executive Report covers good ground. But for the GOP, not all or enough of it.

China uses Russian Disinformation tactics and AI on Social Media to help Trump

Get ready for the Hunter Biden Russian Disinformation-Palooza-thon

Trump promises the "Largest Deportation Effort in History"

House Sergeant At Arms told J6 Committee they would have used deadly force if the crowd was black

Everything the GQP says and MAGAs believe is a Deliberate Lie

Living in a country full of Trump supporters

RFK Jr. claims that "Biden is more of a threat to Democracy" than Trump

Despite BLM the number of people killed by police hit an all-time high in 2022

Invite your friends to enjoy Dark skies on the Horizon

Can Harassing someone into Suicide be Murder?

This Woke Social Justice War will be our last battlefield

The Criminalization of Race in America

Here now where the GOP and Fox live in a land of deficit denial and delusion

When Roger Stone tried to punk me over "Russia Russia Russia"

The unbearable enormous gift of Whiteness

When modern day Domestic Stochastic Terrorists became MAGA Media Darlings

The GOP Anti-Woke attack is Nu-Fascism, the Racism, Sexism and LGBTQphobia of the Present and Future

GOP attempts to use "Context" to White wash Trump's violent racist threats

Giuliani Henchman confirms all the allegations against Biden are Russian Disinformation

The deadly dangerous "absolute free speech" rhetoric of Elon Musk

Discussions with the Deeply Deluded

The Implausible Deniability of "Bloodbath"

Just what have Democrats done for Black People lately?

What the Fox Files show is that the Inmates really are running the Asylum

We have to stop expecting for a Criminal Case to bring Trump down

Joe Biden's personal notes are not the "classified docs" Robert Hur was looking for

Are you better off today than 4 years ago being in the midst of a worldwide deadly pandemic?

Trump battles Biden by praising Hitler, threatening Medicare and promising to Free Seditionists

Invite your friends to read Dark Skies on the Horizon

A "National Divorce" would be devastating - for the Red States

All the GOP has are smears, lies and cheap shots about Immigration

When you challenge a Bigot with questions and they can't back up their BS

Why we simply can't have a better country: the intractable Left/Right divide

Why we deeply need a new narrative on Gun Rights and the 2nd Amendment

This dangerous Scorched-Earth Rhetoric needs to End

Hunter Biden debunked and demolished every impeachment theory that's been floated

Just what horrors would the Great Divide of America portend?

Putting the "Few Bad Cop Apples" myth to bed - Systemic Police Bias is Real

All these "Woke", "Social Justice" and "Cancel culture" complaints are Nazi Sh*t

Greg Abbott lies about the Border - again and again

The Trump Cult is built on paranoia, resentment and fear

Durham did not "Lock Her Up" and he didn't prove the "Russia Hoax" either

What a Second Trump term of Dictatorship would really mean to America

Maria Bartiromo blames DEI for the death of Black soldiers

The media will not report that Trump has middle stage Dementia

Are Democrats falling into the Russia Russia Russia hole once again?

Key Witness in Joe Biden Bribery plot has ties to Russian Intelligence

The rabid growth of a dangerous Anti-Transgender delusion

Breaking down the House of Lies, House of Delusion

Fox and Wingnut news have buried the Fake Whistleblower story

Florida filled with Ghost Towns after Anti-Immigration Law passes

Living while Black in modern America

Trump whines and cries as he's spanked on Border Security

It can now never be claimed that January 6 was not an "Insurrection"

The Superbowl, Patriotism and the Black National Anthem

You don't have to be "White" to be a Neo-Nazi White supremacist

What's been happening to me this year or how my life is now a slapstick comedy routine

The GOP has finally become the Nu-Nazi Party

The GOPs very bad, no good day of Border Sabotage

The MAGA movement is a Direct Terrorist Threat against America

The SCOTUS is enabling the Re-Segregation of America

Fani Willis and Nathan Wade respond and debunk all corruption allegations against them

No, I can't agree to disagree over Trump. You. Are. Wrong.

What many Americans truly believe are that Democratic policies are majority policies

Every MAGA accusation is really a confession of their own intent and actions

Busting MAGA Myths: America is not and has never been a Christian Nation

Pelosi calls for investigation of "Cease Fire" activists for foreign influence

John Durham turned the House into an Abbott and Costello routine

The Big Lie of Election Fraud persist with Trumpers despite all the evidence against it

Florida Board fails hilariously at proving "Slavery taught skills"

Trump and the GOP may be ruining their own Immigration argument

Has Nikki Haley's campaign exposed Trump's worst vulnerability for 2024?

Debating MAGAs is a frustrating and potentially counter-productive process

Misogyny and Anti-Wokeness in the Oscars, Marvel and far beyond

Nikki Haley chews on her own foot again over America being a "Racist" nation

Revealing the truth about the rate of Red State Crime

Nimrata inexplicably claims "America has never been a racist country"

The Cognitive Decline of Trump is obvious and serious

Moving into a new musical stage in my life

The Epoch Times attacks the Capitol Police and exonerates the Insurrectionists

The MAGA movement is a Direct Terrorist Threat against America

Racism in America continues to spread because the media fails to face it

Busting MAGA Myths: Trump had "No Wars" during his term

The Toxicity of the MAGA mind over Ashli Babbit

Agenda47 and Project2025: The plans to make Trump a NeoFacist Totalitarian Dictator

Activist Protest Music is a long-lost art, but the MAGAs are ready to shut it down completely anyway

Under Democrats and Biden - Crime has come down

Everything MAGA people believe is a despicable bigoted lie

Stirring the pot of poisoned blood with Racism and Lies

The MAGA movement is just one big White Supremacist Project

Trump claims that Lincoln should have "negotiated" to prevent the Civil War

Trump may have let almost 500k Americans die from Covid-19

House Dems show that Trump took $7.8 Million in foreign payments while in office

Lev Parnas tells James Comer that FSB and Russian Secret Police copied Hunter's Laptop

Trump blames Liz Cheney for destroying evidence that doesn't exist

Strategies to battle the New Fascist Maga Confederacy